Three Island Crossing
24" x 36"
Oil on cotton canvas
A well known crossing for pioneers, Three Island Crossing depicts the pioneers crossing Idaho's Snake River, this painting is a historical representation of those brave hearts.
*Item priced without frame & includes shipping

Nez Perce Princess
30" x 24"
Oil on cotton canvas
I noticed this young girl dancing at a recent powwow. Her serious, proud look inspired this painting.
*Item priced without frame & includes shipping

Purple Beauty
18" by 24"
oil over acrylic paint pour on cotton canvas
A horse running with it's mane blowing in the wind reminds us of the beauty and strength of this animal.
*Item priced without frame & includes shipping

Best Friend
20" by 20"
oil on cotton canvas
It's so true that a dog is a man (or a boy's) best friend. What better companion could a person ask for?
*item priced without frame & includes shipping

Waiting for the Score
24" by 12"
oil on gallery cotton canvas
After a ride a cowboy nervously waits for his score.
*item priced without frame & includes shipping

Under the Sea
24" by 12"
oil over acrylic pour on cotton canvas
I wish I could explain the fun of seeing the colors flow while making an acrylic pour. This pour moved into the colors and appearance of the ocean...so my brush and I added the beautiful colors of different ocean animals.
*item priced without frame & included shipping

Summer Day
16" by 20"
oil on hard board
A child blowing dandelion seeds on a quiet summer day.
*item priced without frame & includes shipping.

Shoshone Falls
24" by 36"
oil on cotton canvas
A glorious, warm, sunny day makes the water flow on the beautiful Shoshone Falls in southern Idaho.
*item priced without frame & includes shipping

36" by 12"
oil over acrylic pour on gallery cotton canvas
A girl spends a quiet moment gazing into her relection in the water.
*item priced without frame & included shipping

Quiet Moment
16" by 20"
oil on cotton canvas
Gathered by the creek, sisters share time together in quiet conversation.
*item priced without frame & includes shipping

Mother and Child
36" by 24"
oil on cotton canvas
A mare senses danger and runs; her colt at her side.
*item priced without frame & included shipping